Tooth misalignment | iCare Orthodontics & Dentistry Fri, 20 Apr 2018 17:52:16 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Tips on Helping Your Child Have Straight Teeth Fri, 20 Apr 2018 17:52:16 +0000 Do you want your child to have straight teeth? If so, our orthodontists – Dr. Vinh Huynh and Dr. Jamie Kim – are happy to help you. The straighter your child’s teeth are, the healthier their smile is. This is because there won’t be any hard-to-clean areas of the smile that harbor plaque and bacteria. [...]

The post Tips on Helping Your Child Have Straight Teeth first appeared on iCare Orthodontics & Dentistry.

Do you want your child to have straight teeth? If so, our orthodontists – Dr. Vinh Huynh and Dr. Jamie Kim – are happy to help you. The straighter your child’s teeth are, the healthier their smile is. This is because there won’t be any hard-to-clean areas of the smile that harbor plaque and bacteria. To help your child have the straightest teeth possible, our orthodontist encourages you to do the following things:

-Try to limit oral fixation habits: These habits include sucking the thumb, thrusting the tongue and using a pacifier. These habits all cause tooth misalignments because they place undue pressure on the teeth regularly. If possible, help your child curb these habits.

-Bring your child into our office at an early age: You can bring them in for an orthodontic consultation as early as age 7. This can help our orthodontist ensure your child’s teeth, jaw and smile are all on the right track. This can also allow our orthodontist to give you the tips you need to help your child have straight and healthy teeth.

-Consider using space maintainers: Space maintainers can help your child when their 20 baby teeth are being replaced with 32 permanent teeth. These maintainers save room in the mouth for the permanent teeth, keep the teeth in place and help prevent overlapping and crooked teeth.

For more information and details about how to help your child have straight teeth in Norcross, Georgia, please reach out to our orthodontic team at iCare Orthodontics & Dentistry. When you dial 770-840-9500, we will be more than happy to give you the answers and help you need, so please don’t hesitate to reach out to us. We look forward to helping you!

The post Tips on Helping Your Child Have Straight Teeth first appeared on iCare Orthodontics & Dentistry.
