March is the 50th anniversary of National Nutrition Month. With spring almost here, this is a great time to renew your focus on eating the foods your body and mouth need while protecting your braces hardware or clear aligners. Tooth-Friendly Healthy Foods This is a good time to make sure you are getting the nutrients you need for healthy teeth... read more »
Valentine’s Day is here, and what better time to show your smile some love while you get into the holiday mood? This month is a great time to finally commit to the orthodontic treatment your smile deserves for the smile you have always wanted. Today’s orthodontic options are faster, more discreet, and more affordable than ever. Give Yourself a Straighter... read more »
With a new year upon us, it is always a good time to make some changes in our lives that make us mindful of our health as well as our oral health. After all, your smile is one of the very first things people tend to notice about you, so having a nice smile is a great opportunity to make... read more »
Celebrating the holidays often means embracing some of our favorite traditions of the year. While you are gathering with loved ones and sharing memories and gifts, it’s still important to protect your teeth, especially when you or your child is undergoing orthodontic treatment. When wearing braces, there is a list of foods and treats to avoid so as not to... read more »
November is finally here, bringing with it changing seasons and a time of giving thanks for the things that make our lives better. Nine in 10 people in the U.S. have some type of malocclusion (overbites, underbites, crossbites, protruding teeth, etc.), and for these people, the malocclusion can impede their ability to chew and speak properly. Fortunately, there are orthodontic... read more »
Every year, we celebrate Orthodontic Health Month in October, and this year is no different! We love the work we do helping our patients get straighter smiles and aligned bites. With proper orthodontic care, your smile can look its best, your mouth can function properly and your daily oral hygiene routine can be more effective! Straight teeth are easier to... read more »
If you are wearing braces to correct your tooth and bite alignment, now more than ever, you need to take optimal care of your teeth and gums. Braces can get in the way of normal oral cleaning tools when brushing and flossing, making it harder to remove stray food particles and bacterial debris from your teeth and gums. Consistent Oral... read more »
Back-To-School ads are off and running as summer winds down and a busy school year is on the horizon. If your child is also beginning the school year wearing braces, that will likely involve a huge adjustment for your child or teen. There will be dietary adjustments to make, extra care taken when practicing their daily dental hygiene routine, and... read more »
Do you know the difference between a dentist and an orthodontist? Both work hard to keep your teeth and mouth healthy, but we orthodontists have additional training so we can treat tooth and jaw misalignment. We also participate in a two- to three-year residency, finishing with over 4,800 hours of orthodontic training under our belt! Orthodontic Training Not only do... read more »
One of the biggest challenges to keeping your smile looking and feeling its best is to take the time every day to brush and floss your teeth (which also benefits your gum health). When you receive orthodontic care, you will want to step up your oral hygiene game to ensure your teeth and gums stay healthy when your braces come... read more »